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  4. Click Rotators
  5. Deleting a Link in a Click Rotator

Deleting a Link in a Click Rotator

You can delete a link from a click rotator by following these steps. Please be aware that the link and it’s click data are deleted permanently. All data pertaining to the deleted rotator link is also removed from the click rotator stats.

Click on “List Click Rotators” in the “Click Rotators” sub menu.

You can use the search box to locate a specific click rotator or group of click rotators. You can also sort on each column by clicking on the header cell of the column. You can reverse the order by clicking on the header cell a second time.

Once you have located the click rotator you would like to delete a link from, click on the description of the click rotator. This will bring you to the edit click rotator page.

Scroll down this page to the “Click Rotator Links” section. This section lists all the links that are currently in the click rotator.

Locate the link you would like to delete.

Click on the “Delete” button for the link. You will be prompted to confirm your decision to delete the link from the rotator.

Please be aware that deleting a link can’t be reversed. Once you confirm the delete request, all click data for the link and the link will be permanently deleted.

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