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  5. How to Move a Rotator Link to a Different Rotator

How to Move a Rotator Link to a Different Rotator

To move a link to a different rotator, follow these steps.

If not in the click rotator links manager:
Click on “List Click Rotators” in the “Click Rotators” sub menu.

You can use the search box to locate a specific click rotator or group of click rotators. You can also sort on each column by clicking on the header cell of the column. You can reverse the order by clicking on the header cell a second time.

Once you have located the click rotator you would like to access the click rotators links manger for, click on the “Links” button for the click rotator. This will bring you to the list click rotator links page in the click rotator links manager.

If in the click rotator links manager:
If you are already in the click rotator links manager and not currently on the list click rotator links page, just click the button named List Active Links. This will bring you to the list rotator links page.

Once on the list rotator links page, you will see a table that contains all active and suspended links in the rotator. This list does not show archived links.

Once you locate the link you would like to move, click on the “Move” button for that link. The move click rotator link page will be displayed.

You will need to select the destination rotator and if you would like to move the links current stats to the destination rotator or not.

Once you have made your selections, click on the “Process” button to move the link to the new rotator.

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