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  5. Editing a Link in a Click Rotator

Editing a Link in a Click Rotator

To edit a link in a click rotator, follow these steps.

If the click rotator you would like to edit a link in is an active click rotator, click on “List Click Rotators” in the “Click Rotators” sub menu.

If the click rotator you would like to edit a link in is an archived click rotator, click on “Rotator Archives” in the “Click Rotators” sub menu.

A list of click rotators will be displayed. Use the search or browsing functions to locate the desired click rotator.

Locate the click rotator you would like to add links to. Click on the “Links” button for the click rotator.

You will see a list of current links in the click rotator. Click on the links description that you would like to edit.

Edit the desired fields and then click on the “Update” button to save the changes.

Please note that not all fields are required. Just fill in or edit the fields that you need, for the click rotator link to perform in the manner you desire.

The only required fields are: Link Description, Link URL, Link Status, Total Clicks To Send and Daily Click Limit. All other fields are optional.

Here is a list of the available fields and their uses when editing a click rotator link.

Link Description:
Enter a description for this link. The description is used to help you identify this particular link in lists that contain multiple click rotator links.

Rotator Link Category:
You can optionally assign this rotator link to a category. You can type in a new category name or select an existing category by typing the first few letters of a category and then selecting it from the dropdown list that appears. Some rotator link listings allow you to search and sort by category.

Rotator Link Group:
You can optionally assign this rotator link to a group. You can type in a new group name or select an existing group by typing the first few letters of a group and then selecting it from the dropdown list that appears. Some rotator link listings allow you to search and sort by group.

Destination URL (Computer):
Enter the destination URL for this rotator link. This is the URL all traffic will be sent to this click rotator link. Make sure you enter the full URL including the leading http://.

This URL supports the pass through query builder language. Please see the manual section on pass through data handling for more information.

Test Destination URL (Computer):
Checking this box will test the URL to see if it is valid and reachable when you save the new click tracker. You can override this test by leaving the checkbox un-checked.

Destination URL (Mobile – Android):
If you enter a URL in this field, all Android mobile traffic will go to this URL instead of the main destination URL. Leaving this field blanks, sends all Android mobile traffic to the main (computer) destination URL.

Destination URL (Mobile – iOS):
If you enter a URL in this field, all iOS mobile traffic will go to this URL instead of the main destination URL. Leaving this field blanks, sends all iOS mobile traffic to the main (computer) destination URL.

Treat Tablets as (For Destination URLs):
You can set what destination URL to send traffic from tablets with this setting. If you want them to be treated as computers, select computer. If you want them treated as mobile devices, select mobile.

This setting only controls what destination URL tablet traffic is set to.

Link Status:
This field lets you set the status of this link. You can set it to active, suspended or archived. While a link is set to suspended or archived, no clicks are sent to it. An archived link is also moved out of the active links list and to an archived links list.

You can enter any notes you want to keep on this link in this field.

Total Clicks To Send:
Enter the number of clicks you want to send to this link. After this number of clicks has been sent, no further clicks will be sent to this link. If you leave this field blank or enter 0, no clicks will be sent to this link.

Daily Click Limit:
If you want to limit the number of clicks that are sent to this link each day, enter that number here. Once this number of clicks has been sent, the link will be skipped until the next day when the daily click counter resets to zero. Otherwise set this number to a very high number like 999999.

Priority Link?:
If you want to send as many clicks as possible to this link, you can set this field to Yes. This will cause the rotator to favor this link and send any qualified clicks to this link first if possible.

You can set multiple links priority to yes. But, the link with the highest rotator position will be filled first. Once it has been filled, the next highest rotator position link set to yes will be filled. Etc.

Country Codes Accepted:
If you would like to send only traffic from specific countries to this link, enter the country codes separated by a comma in this field. Do not enter any spaces. For example, if you want to send traffic to the US, Canada and Australia only you would enter the following in this field.


For a list of supported country codes, see the resources section of this manual.

If you are using enhanced selection boxes, simply select the countries from the dropdown list.

Country Codes Not Accepted:
If you would like to not send traffic from specific countries to the this link, enter the country codes separated by a comma in this field. Do not enter any spaces. For example, if you do not want to send traffic from the US, Canada and Australia you would enter the following in this field.


For a list of supported country codes, see the resources section of this manual.

If you are using enhanced selection boxes, simply select the countries from the dropdown list.

Minimum Country Custom Clicks:
If you want to send a minimum number of clicks from specific countries to this link, enter that number here. Setting this field to 0 is equal to sending no minimum number of custom country clicks.

You can also enter a percentage in this field. You must have entered a “Total Clicks To Send” number for percentages to work. Just add the % sign at the end of the number. For example, 75 percent would be entered as 75% in this field.

Maximum Country Custom Clicks:
If you want to send a maximum number of clicks from specific countries to this link, enter that number here. Setting this field to 0 is equal to sending no maximum number of custom country clicks.

You can also enter a percentage in this field. You must have entered a “Total Clicks To Send” number for percentages to work. Just add the % sign at the end of the number. For example, 75 percent would be entered as 75% in this field.

Custom Clicks Country Codes:
If a click is from a country listed in this field, it will be treated as a custom click. Enter the country codes separated by a comma in this field. Do not enter any spaces. For example, if you want to count traffic from the US, Canada and Australia as custom clicks, you would enter the following in this field.


Leave this field blank to not use the custom country clicks feature.

For a list of supported country codes, see the resources section of this manual.

If you are using enhanced selection boxes, simply select the countries from the dropdown list.

Devices Accepted:
If you want this link to only send clicks from specific device types to the URL, select those devices here. You can select computer, phone and tablet device types.

Devices Not Accepted:
If you want this link to not send clicks from specific device types to the URL, select those devices here. You can select computer, phone and tablet device types.

Use Custom Mobile Clicks?:
If you would like to send a specific number of mobile clicks or a range of mobile clicks to this rotator link, set this setting to Yes.

Consider Tablets as Mobile?:
Set this to Yes if you want tablets to be treated as mobile devices when determining what is determined to be a mobile click or not.

Minimum Mobile Clicks:
Enter the minimum number of mobile clicks you want to send. Enter 1 or a higher number.

You can also enter a percentage in this field. You must have entered a “Total Clicks To Send” number for percentages to work. Just add the % sign at the end of the number. For example, 75 percent would be entered as 75% in this field.

Maximum Mobile Clicks:
Enter the maximum number of mobile clicks you want to send to this link. This number of course must be higher that Minimum Mobile Clicks number entered above.

You can also enter a percentage in this field. You must have entered a “Total Clicks To Send” number for percentages to work. Just add the % sign at the end of the number. For example, 75 percent would be entered as 75% in this field.

NOTE: If you use custom country clicks and custom mobile clicks at the same time, the script will use the settings of both to determine what clicks can be sent to the this rotator link.

IP Blocking List:
If you want to block a specific list of IP addresses from sending clicks to this link, select the desired IP Blocking List in this field. No traffic from any IP address in the selected list will be sent to this link.

Start Date:
If you would like to schedule a start date in the future to send clicks to this link, set the start date in this field. You can set the time in the next field. No clicks will be sent to this link until after the date entered here and the time in the next field.

Start Time:
This field works with the above start date. Set the time of the start date in this field.

End Date:
If you would like to schedule an end date in the future to stop sending clicks to this link, set the end date in this field. You can set the time in the next field. No clicks will be sent to this link after the date entered here and the time in the next field.

End Time:
This field works with the above end date. Set the time of the end date in this field.

Click Trade Inbound Code:
If this link is a click trade you will want to enter the click trade inbound code for the click trade in this field. The click trade inbound code is the code portion at the end of the inbound url. It starts after the a= sign.

For example, if your click trade inbound url looked like this.


You would enter the following portion of the url.


Entering a click trade inbound code in this field prevents a surfer being sent from this click trade from being sent back to the click trade partner that sent the surfer. The surfer will be sent to the next available link in this rotator instead.

Client Stats Password:
If you plan on providing partners and clients access to view only stats, enter the desired password in this field. Leaving it blank will disable read only stats for this click rotator link.

Client Stats URL:
This is the URL you will give to partners and clients to view read only stats. Please note, if the stats password field is left blank, this link will not be available.

Rotator Link Direct Link:
This is the url you will send clicks to if you want to send clicks directly to this link. If the link can’t be used by the link it will be sent on through the rotator like a normal inbound rotator link click.

Once you have filled out and edited the desired fields, don’t forget to click on the “Update” button to update the link information.

To return to the previous page, click on the “Return” button.

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