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GEO IP Location Services

My Click Boss Pro supports GEO IP databases from two different companies. Both there free versions and there paid versions. If you want to use GEO IP location, one of the 4 different databases needs to be downloaded and installed. Here are the two companies and where to find the different free and paid databases.

Main site URL – http://maxmind.com/

Free database URL – http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/

You want to download the GeoLite2 Country binary db format.

The direct download link at the time this page was published is – http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLite2-Country.tar.gz

The database is in gzipped format and needs to be unzipped. You can use 7-Zip to first unzip the gzipped file and then untar the the .tar file using 7-Zip also. The extracted file should be named something like GeoLite2-Country.mmdb

If the file does not end in .mmdb you have not unzipped or untared the archive file completely.

Paid database URL – https://www.maxmind.com/en/geoip2-country-database

You want to purchase and download the GeoIP2 Country Database. If the database is sent to you in a .tar.gz format you will need to unzip and then untar the file to extract the actual binary database. The database should end in .mmdb

Main site URL – http://ip2location.com/

Free database URL – http://lite.ip2location.com/database/ip-country

You want to download the IPV4BIN database. The downloaded database will need to be unzipped. You can use 7-Zip to do this. The resulting database file name should be IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB1.BIN

Paid Database URL – https://www.ip2location.com/databases/db1-ip-country

After purchasing and downloading, you want to use the IPV4BIN version of the database. If the database is delivered in zipped format, you will need to first unzip it using 7-Zip or another unzip program.

The extracted file should have a file extension of .BIN

How to install the downloaded file:
After selecting a GEO company and database version to use, you will need to install it. Follow these steps to install the database and turn on GEO IP services.

Upload the database file to the admin/geo folder.

Go to System Settings and enter the following information.

Select the GEO service company you are using in the “GEO Service Company field.

Enter the name of the database you uploaded in the GEO Database Name field.

Click on the “Update” button at the bottom of the page.

Create a test tracker and access the tracker link. Then check the tracker stats to see if your country was recorded.

If you have any trouble obtaining a GEO database, unzipping it or installing it, please contact support for assistance.

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