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  4. The Navigation Menu
  5. The Click Trackers Sub Menu

The Click Trackers Sub Menu

Clicking on the “Click Trackers” menu item opens a sub menu. Below is a list of menu items in the “Click Trackers” sub menu.

List Click Trackers:
Displays a list of active click trackers. This list gives you access to edit, reset and delete an active click tracker. It also gives you access to stats, data dumps and allows you to export data on individual active click trackers.

Add New Click Tracker:
Displays a page where you can add a new click tracker.

Quick View Stats:
This menu option gives you access to the click trackers quick stats view.

Advanced Pixel Stats:
Selecting this menu option brings you to a page that displays data on advanced pixel stats if you are using this feature.

Codes And Links:
Displays pixel and image load testing links and optional features.

Click Tracker Archives:
Displays a list of click trackers that have been archived. This list gives you access to edit, reset and delete an archived click tracker. It also gives you access to stats, data dumps and allows you to export data on individual archived click trackers.

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