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  5. Listing Archived Click Trackers

Listing Archived Click Trackers

To display a list of all “archived” click trackers in My Click Boss Pro, click on “Click Tracker Archives” in the “Click Trackers” sub menu.

You can use the search box to locate a specific click tracker or group of click trackers. You can also sort on each column by clicking on the header cell of the column. You can reverse the order by clicking on the header cell a second time.

Note: You can copy a trackers link by right clicking on the trackers code.

The various click tracker listing views provides access to the following features and displays.

Edit Click Tracker:
Click on a click tracker description to edit it.

When you click on a click tracker description you will be brought to the edit click tracker page. You will be able to edit the details of the click tracker and save the changes from this page.

This column displays the category you assigned to the click tracker. If you did not assign a category, this will be blank.

Tracking Code:
This column displays the tracking code for the click tracker. You can copy the click trackers link by right clicking the tracking code.

This column displays the type of click tracker.

Clicks U/R/J:
This is a display of unique, raw and rejected clicks counted by the click tracker.

Pixels U/R:
This is a display of unique and raw pixel counts for this click tracker if pixel tracking has been used.

Date Created:
This column displays the date and time the click tracker was created.

Click the stats button for the click tracker you would like to display detailed stats for.

Clicking the data button for a click tracker will display raw data dumps for it.

Click on the export button for the click tracker you would like to export click data for. You will be able to select either CSV or tab delimited file formats.

Clicking the reset button for a click tracker will clear all data and click counts. It’s the equivalent of deleting the click tracker and creating it again as a new click tracker.

Clicking this button moves the click tracker back to the active list of click trackers.

Clicking the clone button for a click tracker will copy all its settings to a new click tracker. The new click tracker will have the same description with “-Clone” appended to it. When you edit the click tracker clone, you can change the description. This new click tracker will still be in the archive. You will need to change its status to move it to the active click tracker list.

Clicking the delete button for a click tracker will delete it and all of its saved data.

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