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  4. Click Rotators
  5. Editing a Click Rotator

Editing a Click Rotator

To edit an existing click rotator, follow these steps.

If the click rotator you would like to edit is an active click rotator, click on “List Click Rotators” in the “Click Rotators” sub menu.

If the click rotator you would like to edit is an archived click rotator, click on “Rotator Archives” in the “Click Rotators” sub menu.

A list of click rotators will be displayed. Use the search or browsing functions to locate the desired click rotator.

Click on the click rotators description. This will bring up the Edit Click Rotator page.

Here is a list of the available fields and their uses when editing an existing click rotator.

Rotator Description:
Enter a description for this rotator. The description is used to help you identify this particular rotator in lists that contain multiple rotators.

Rotator Category:
You can optionally assign this rotator to a category. You can type in a new category name or select an existing category by typing the first few letters of a category and then selecting it from the dropdown list that appears. Some rotator listings allow you to search and sort by category.

Rotator Group:
You can optionally assign this rotator to a group. You can type in a new group name or select an existing group by typing the first few letters of a group and then selecting it from the dropdown list that appears. Some rotator listings allow you to search and sort by group.

Rotator Type:
Select the type of rotator you would like to create. You have the option of creating a Series, Rotate or Random rotator.

Series rotators deliver clicks to the first link until you have sent the selected number of clicks. Once the first link has been sent the selected number of clicks, the next link in the series will be sent clicks. Each link in this rotator will be sent clicks until it has been sent the selected number of clicks.

Rotate rotators send clicks to all links in a rotating fashion. Once a click has been sent to all links in the rotator, it starts sending clicks again starting with the top of the list.

Random rotators send clicks randomly to the links in the rotator.

Rotator Style:
Select the style of rotator you would like to create. You have the option of creating a smart or dumb style rotator.

Smart style rotators perform all tests selected and set to determine where a click will be sent.

Dumb style rotators ignore all tests except maximum clicks to send to a link and duplicate click handling settings.

Duplicate Click Handling:
This setting determines how duplicate clicks coming from the same IP address are handled. You have the following options.

Default Action – The rotators type and style determine how duplicate clicks are handled.

Send To Last Visited Link – A duplicate click is sent to the last link in the rotator that the click previously visited.

Send To Default URL – Duplicate clicks are sent to the rotators default URL.

Off – Duplicate click handling is turned off. A click could be sent to the same link multiple times.

Default URL:
Enter the URL you want to send all clicks to if there is no link in the rotator remaining that this click can be sent to. For example, this URL will be sent clicks if all links in the rotator have been delivered their set number of clicks or all fail any tests used to determine click eligibility.

This URL supports the pass through query builder language. Please see the manual section on pass through data handling for more information.

Rotator Code:
If you want to define a specific code to use for this rotator, enter it in this field. It must only contain letters, numbers or dashes. Leave this field blank to have an auto generated code created for you when the rotator is saved.

Cookie Tracking

Use Cookie Tracking?:
Setting this to “Yes” will turn on surfer cookie tracking. If the surfer has cookies blocked, the IP address will be used for tracking instead.

Cookie Expiration Time Seconds (0 – 315360000):
Set this field to the number of seconds you would like a cookie to last. After this number of seconds, the cookie will expire and be removed. Setting this field to 0 will set a sessions cookie that will expire when the user closes their browser.

You can keep any notes about this rotator you want in this field.

Once you have edited the desired fields, don’t forget to click on the “Update” button at the bottom of the page to save the changes.

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