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  5. How to Use Pixel Tracking

How to Use Pixel Tracking

To use pixel tracking, follow these steps.

Click on “Codes And Links” in the “Click Trackers” sub menu.

In the “Pixel Conversion Tracker Code” section, you will see two snippet of HTML code. The first is a basic pixel tracker snippet of code and the second one is an advanced pixel tracker snippet of code.

You will notice at the end of the url in the basic pixel tracking code the following.


You can change the page slug name thankyou to anything you want for each page you place the pixel tracking code on. This way you can track multiple pages for each click tracker you setup. For example you could use the following to track your OTO sales page and thank you for purchase page.

Use s=oto for the OTO sales page.

Now place the same pixel tracking code on the thank you for purchase page but change the s=thankyou to something like s=otosale.

You also have options you can add to the pixel conversion tracking code. Here is a list of the options available.

s = page slug (page location)
t = pixel type (ex: optin, sale)
d = display counts on lists (y or n)
a = dollar value of conversion
r = record pixel fire for (f)irst, (l)ast, (a)ll or specific (c)lick tracker
q = record as an action for quick view stats (y or n)
c = click tracker code (only used if r=c)

Place this code snippet just below the opening <body> tag on the pages you would like to track or as high on the page as you possibly can. It must be between the <body> and </body> tags on each page you are tracking.

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