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  5. Click Trackers Quick View Stats

Click Trackers Quick View Stats

To view a quick view stats for all active click trackers, follow these steps.

Click on “Quick View Stats” in the “Click Trackers” sub menu.

This will bring you to the click trackers quick view stats page. When you first visit this page, quick view stats are shown for today for all active click trackers.

You can filter the results that are displayed on this page by using the settings in the filters section of the page. Here are the different filters you can apply.

Date Range:
Select the starting date and ending date you would like to display quick stats for. Please note that all click counts shown in the quick stats view table are totals for the clicks received within the date range selected.

If you would like to limit the quick stats displayed to a specific category, enter the category name in this field.

If you would like to limit the quick stats displayed to a specific group, enter the group name in this field.

Once you have entered or selected the data for the filter fields, click the Apply button to refresh the page and display the filtered view selected.

The click tracker list displays the following columns in the quick stats view table. You can sort by any column by clicking on the column header. Clicking the same column header a second time will reverse the order.

The click trackers description.

The click trackers category if any was assigned.

The click trackers group if any was assigned.

If you set a number of clicks to be sent to the link in this click tracker, that number will appear here. This number is a total and not a date range or filtered sub total.

This column shows the number of clicks sent to the click trackers link. This number is a total and not a date range or filtered sub total.

This column will display the number of clicks left to send to this click trackers link if you entered a number of clicks to send. This number is a total and not a date range or filtered sub total.

Total raw clicks received by the click tracker.

Total unique clicks received by the click tracker.

Total duplicate clicks received by the click tracker.

Total rejected clicks that the click trackers settings rejected.

Total accepted raw clicks that the click trackers settings accepted.

Total accepted unique clicks that the click trackers settings accepted.

Total rejected clicks sent to the click trackers rejection URL.

Total rejected clicks sent to the click trackers secondary URL.

Total raw actions recorded for the click tracker for accepted clicks. The click tracker must be set to record quick view pixel stats or this value will always be 0.

Total unique actions recorded for the click tracker for accepted clicks. A unique action = (IP address + pixel_location_slug). The click tracker must be set to record quick view pixel stats or this value will always be 0.

The unique actions recorded compared to ALL clicks sent, including rejected percentage.

Date Created:
Date the click tracker was created.

First Click:
The date the first click was received and recorded by the click tracker.

Last Click:
The date the last click was received and recorded by the click tracker.

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