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  5. How to Create a New Click Tracker

How to Create a New Click Tracker

My Click Boss Pro lets you create as many click trackers as you want. Simply fill out the required and any needed optional fields and then click on the Save button to create the new click tracker. Once the new click tracker has been saved, the screen will refresh and display the URL you will send traffic to for the newly created click tracker. The URL for the client stats will also be displayed if you activated this option.

To create a new click tracker click on “Add New Click Tracker” in the “Click Trackers” sub menu. This will bring you to the add new click tracker page.

Please note that not all fields are required. Just fill in the fields that you need, for the click tracker to perform in the manner you desire.

The only required fields are: Tracker Description, and URL. All other fields are optional.

Here is a list of the available fields and their uses when creating a new click tracker.

Click Tracker Information

Tracker Description:
Enter a description for this click tracker. The description is used to help you identify this particular click tracker in lists that contain multiple click trackers. This description is also displayed on both the main stats page and the client stats page.

Tracker Category:
You can optionally assign this click tracker to a category. You can type in a new category name or select an existing category by typing the first few letters of a category and then selecting it from the dropdown list that appears. Some click tracker listings allow you to search and sort by category.

Tracker Group:
You can optionally assign this click tracker to a group. You can type in a new group name or select an existing group by typing the first few letters of a group and then selecting it from the dropdown list that appears. Some click tracker listings allow you to search and sort by group.

Tracker Type:
You can label this click tracker as an inbound or outbound click tracker if desired. Select the tracker type from the dropdown selection box by clicking on the down arrow on the far right side of this field. The tracker type is simply a label that helps you to identify inbound and outbound click trackers in lists. It also allows for a reminder of what type of tracker it is.

Destination URL (Computer):
Enter the destination URL for this click tracker. This is the URL all traffic will be sent to that passes any of the optional settings for this click tracker. Make sure you enter the full URL including the leading http://. If you use the optional destination URLs, this is the URL all computer traffic will be sent to.

This URL supports the pass through query builder language. Please see the manual section on pass through data handling for more information.

Test Destination URL (Computer):
Checking this box will test the URL to see if it is valid and reachable when you save the new click tracker. You can override this test by leaving the checkbox un-checked.

Destination URL (Mobile – Android):
If you enter a URL in this field, all Android mobile traffic will go to this URL instead of the main destination URL. Leaving this field blanks, sends all Android mobile traffic to the main (computer) destination URL.

Destination URL (Mobile – iOS):
If you enter a URL in this field, all iOS mobile traffic will go to this URL instead of the main destination URL. Leaving this field blanks, sends all iOS mobile traffic to the main (computer) destination URL.

Treat Tablets as (For Destination URLs):
You can set what destination URL to send traffic from tablets with this setting. If you want them to be treated as computers, select computer. If you want them treated as mobile devices, select mobile.

This setting only controls what destination URL tablet traffic is set to.

Secondary URL:
You can enter an optional URL in this field to send all traffic that fails any of the optional tests and is set to send to the secondary URL upon failure. If you use this field, make sure you enter the full URL including the leading http://.

This URL supports the pass through query builder language. Please see the manual section on pass through data handling for more information.

Rejection URL:
You can enter an optional URL in this field to send all traffic that fails any of the optional tests and is set to send to the rejection URL upon failure. If you use this field, make sure you enter the full URL including the leading http://.

This field is great to use for sending rejected traffic back to a URL of the original senders choice.

This URL supports the pass through query builder language. Please see the manual section on pass through data handling for more information.

Tracker Code:
If you want to define a specific code to use for this click tracker, enter it in this field. It must only contain letters, numbers or dashes. Leave this field blank to have an auto generated code created for you when the click tracker is saved.

You can keep any notes about this click tracker you want in this field. It is for your personal use and is only displayed on the main stats page. It does not show on the client stats page.

Click Tracker Settings

Maximum Clicks To Send:
Enter the maximum number of clicks you want to send to the main url. All clicks over this number will be sent to the secondary or rejection url depending on the setting below. Leave this field blank, or enter 0 if you want to send all clicks to the main url regardless of the number sent. This field must contain a number between 0 and 999999999 or be left blank.

When Over Maximum Clicks Send To:
If you entered a number greater than 0 in the Maximum Clicks To Send field above, specify what URL to send any clicks over that number to. You can select either the secondary or rejection URL. If Maximum Clicks To Send is set to 0 or is blank, this field is ignored.

Alert When This Number Of Clicks Have Been Sent:
If you would like My Click Boss Pro to email you when you have sent or received a particular number of clicks using this click tracker, enter the number in this field. Entering 0 will disable this option for this click tracker. This field must contain a number between 0 and 999999999 or be left blank.

Daily Click Limit:
If you want to limit the number of clicks that are sent to the main URL of this click tracker each day, enter that number in this field. Once this number of clicks has been sent, the remaining clicks for the day will be sent to the URL specified in the When Over Daily Click Limit Send To field. Entering 0 in this field or leaving it blank will disable daily click limits.

When Over Daily Click Limit Send To:
If you entered a number greater than 0 in the Daily Click Limit field above, specify what URL to send any clicks over that number to for the remainder of the day. You can select either the secondary or rejection URL. If Daily Click Limit is set to 0 or is blank, this field is ignored.

Send Duplicate Clicks To:
This field determines what URL a duplicate click will be sent to. When a click comes in from an IP address that has already been sent to the main URL you can optionally send it to the secondary or rejection URL instead. Select the desired action from the dropdown selection box. You can select, main URL, secondary URL or rejection URL.

Send Blocked IP Addresses To:
This field determines what URL a click from a blocked IP address will be sent to. When a click comes in from an IP address that is in your blocked IP address list you can optionally send it to the secondary or rejection URL instead. Select the desired action from the dropdown selection box. You can select, main URL, secondary URL or rejection URL.

Send Blocked Domains To:
This field determines what URL a click from a blocked referring URL domain will be sent to. When a click comes in from a referring URL that contains a domain that is in your blocked domains list you can optionally send it to the secondary or rejection URL instead. Select the desired action from the dropdown selection box. You can select, main URL, secondary URL or rejection URL.

Send Blocked Host Names To:
This field determines what URL a click from a blocked host will be sent to. When a click comes in from a host name that contains a host name that is in your blocked host names list you can optionally send it to the secondary or rejection URL instead. Select the desired action from the dropdown selection box. You can select, main URL, secondary URL or rejection URL.

Send Blocked User Agent Strings To:
This field determines what URL a click from a blocked user agent string will be sent to. When a click comes in from containing a blocked user agent string, you can optionally send it to the secondary or rejection URL instead. Select the desired action from the dropdown selection box. You can select, main URL, secondary URL or rejection URL.

Record Pixel Stats?:
This field determines if any standard pixel conversion tracking is assigned to this click tracker. If set to no and a click comes in to this tracker and later lands on a page with a pixel tracker code on it, this click tracker will be ignored when assigning pixel counts to click trackers. This field can be set to either yes or no.

Record Advanced Pixel Stats?:
This field determines if any advanced pixel conversion tracking is assigned to this click tracker. If set to no and a click comes in to this tracker and later lands on a page with an advanced pixel tracker code on it, this click tracker will be ignored when assigning advanced pixel key value pair counts to click trackers. This field can be set to either yes or no.

Record Quick View Pixel Stats?
If you would like standard pixel stats to record on the click tracker quick view stats, you would set this to Yes. Otherwise set it to no.

Tracker Status:
This field determines if this click tracker appears in the main click tracker list or the archived click tracker list. You can move a click tracker back and forth between these two lists. You can set this field to either Active or Archived.

Click Dates

Start Date:
If you would like to schedule a start date in the future to send clicks to the main URL of this click tracker, set the start date in this field. You can set the time in the next field. No clicks will be sent to the main URL of this click tracker until after the date entered here and the time in the next field. All clicks sent to this click tracker before this date and time below will be sent to the URL specified in the When Outside Date Range Send To field below. Leave the start date and end date fields blank to disable this option.

Start Time:
This field works with the above start date. Set the time of the start date in this field.

End Date:
If you would like to schedule an end date in the future to stop sending clicks to the main URL of this click tracker, set the end date in this field. You can set the time in the next field. No clicks will be sent to the main URL of this click tracker after the date entered here and the time in the next field. All clicks sent to this click tracker after this date and time below will be sent to the URL specified in the When Outside Date Range Send To field below. Leave the start date and end date fields blank to disable this option.

End Time:
This field works with the above end date. Set the time of the end date in this field.

When Outside Date Range Send To:
If a start or end date is set, use this field to determine where to send any clicks coming in through this click tracker that arrive before or after the dates and times set above. You can set this field to the secondary or rejection URL. If both the start date and end dates above are blank, this field is ignored.

GEO IP Targeting

Country Codes Accepted:
If you would like to send only traffic from specific countries to the main URL of this click tracker, enter the country codes separated by a comma in this field. Do not enter any spaces. For example, if you want to send traffic to the US, Canada and Australia only you would enter the following in this field.


For a list of supported country codes, see the resources section of this manual.

If you are using enhanced selection boxes, simply select the countries from the dropdown list.

Country Codes Not Accepted:
If you would like to not send traffic from specific countries to the main URL of this click tracker, enter the country codes separated by a comma in this field. Do not enter any spaces. For example, if you do not want to send traffic from the US, Canada and Australia you would enter the following in this field.


For a list of supported country codes, see the resources section of this manual.

If you are using enhanced selection boxes, simply select the countries from the dropdown list.

When Country Code Test Fails Send To:
This field determines where clicks that fail the above country code tests. You can set this field to send these clicks to either the secondary or rejection URL. If the above country code fields are blank, this field is ignored.

When Country Code Can’t Be Determined Send To:
This field determines where to send a click that the country of origin can’t be determined for. You can set this field to send the click on to the main URL, or optionally to the secondary or rejection URL.

Country Custom Clicks Settings

Minimum Country Custom Clicks:
If you want to send a minimum number of clicks from specific countries to the main URL of this click tracker, enter that number here. Setting this field to 0 is equal to sending no minimum number of custom country clicks.

You can also enter a percentage in this field. You must have entered a “Maximum Clicks To Send” number for percentages to work. Just add the % sign at the end of the number. For example, 75 percent would be entered as 75% in this field.

Maximum Country Custom Clicks:
If you want to send a maximum number of clicks from specific countries to the main URL of this click tracker, enter that number here. Setting this field to 0 is equal to sending no maximum number of custom country clicks.

You can also enter a percentage in this field. You must have entered a “Maximum Clicks To Send” number for percentages to work. Just add the % sign at the end of the number. For example, 75 percent would be entered as 75% in this field.

Custom Clicks Country Codes:
If a click is from a country listed in this field, it will be treated as a custom click. Enter the country codes separated by a comma in this field. Do not enter any spaces. For example, if you want to count traffic from the US, Canada and Australia as custom clicks, you would enter the following in this field.


Leave this field blank to not use the custom country clicks feature.

For a list of supported country codes, see the resources section of this manual.

If you are using enhanced selection boxes, simply select the countries from the dropdown list.

When Country Custom Clicks Reject Send To:
If custom country clicks is used and a click comes in that can’t be used to satisfy the custom country clicks requirement, this field determines where to send the click. You can set this field to send the click to either the secondary or rejection URL.

Device Type Targeting

Devices Accepted:
If you want this click tracker to only send clicks from specific device types to the main URL, select those devices here. You can select computer, phone and tablet device types.

Devices Not Accepted:
If you want this click tracker to not send clicks from specific device types to the main URL, select those devices here. You can select computer, phone and tablet device types.

When Device Tests Fail Send To:
If device type targeting is used and a click from a device comes in that fails the above device type tests, the click will be sent to the URL selected in this field. You can select either the secondary or rejection URL.

When Device Can’t Be Determined Send To:
This field determines where to send a click that the device type can’t be determined for. You can set this field to send the click on to the main URL, or optionally to the secondary or rejection URL.

Client Stats Settings

Client Stats Password:
If you plan on providing partners and clients access to view only stats, enter the desired password in this field. Leaving it blank will disable read only stats for this click tracker.

Cookie Tracking

Use Cookie Tracking?:
Setting this to “Yes” will turn on surfer cookie tracking. If the surfer has cookies blocked, the IP address will be used for tracking instead.

Cookie Expiration Time Seconds (0 – 315360000):
Set this field to the number of seconds you would like a cookie to last. After this number of seconds, the cookie will expire and be removed. Setting this field to 0 will set a sessions cookie that will expire when the user closes their browser.

Add To An Existing Rotator

Add To This Rotator:
If you would like to add this click tracker link to a rotator, select it using the dropdown selection box. Leave this field blank if you do not want to add it to a rotator at this time.

Total Clicks To Send:
If you selected a rotator in the previous field, enter the number of clicks you want to set this click tracker link to receive when added to the rotator. This field is ignored if no rotator has been selected in the previous field.

Daily Click Limit:
If you want to limit the number of clicks that are sent to this link each day, enter that number here. Once this number of clicks has been sent, the link will be skipped until the next day when the daily click counter resets to zero. Otherwise set this number to a very high number like 999999.

Link Status:
Set the status of the click tracker link when added to the above rotator using this field. This setting is ignored if no rotator was specified.

Rotator Link Notes:
Enter any notes you want to add to the rotator links notes if this click tracker is added to a selected rotator.

Click Tracker Links

Click Tracker URL:
This field will contain the link to use for this click tracker after you click the Save button.

Client Stats URL:
This field will contain the link to use to access read only stats after you click the Save button. This is the URL you will give to partners and clients to view read only stats. Please note, if the stats password field is left blank, this link will not be available.

You can add an optional sub ID to the end of the link “&sid=yoursubid” if you need to track sub ID’s for each tracker.

Once you have filled out the desired fields, don’t forget to click on the “Save” button to create the new click tracker.

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