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  4. Overview of Manual Sections

Overview of Manual Sections

Here is a quick overview about each of the sections contained in this manual.

The Navigation Menu:
This section explains the main navigation menu and how to use it.

A Note About Data Tables:
Information about the data tables used throughout the program.

GEO IP Location Services:
Covers the different GEO IP location services that can be used with the program.

The Home Screen:
Let’s you know what is shown on the home screen of the program and what to keep an eye on.

Overall Tracker Stats:
Displays a quick combines stats view of all active click trackers.

Click Trackers:
Covers click trackers in detail. How to use them, create them and manage them.

Pixel Tracking:
Information on pixel tracking and how to use it.

Pixel Redirectors:
Information on pixel redirectors and how to use them.

Advanced Pixel Tracking:
This section covers the advanced pixel tracking features of My Click Boss Pro. Advanced pixel tracking allows you to track custom key value pairs.

Image Load Testing:
This section goes over what image load testing is and how to use it.

Click Rotators:
Full details on click rotators. What they are, how to use them and how to manage them.

Managing Click Rotator Links:
This area of the manual covers how to manage click rotator links and view quick stats for each rotator link group.

Click Trades:
Information on how to track click trades.

This section goes over the various custom reports available in My Click Boss Pro. It also covers how to add additional custom reports as they become available.

Pass Through Data Handling:
This section covers the simple but powerful pass through query builder language that is built in to My Click Boss Pro. This allows you to pass data as needed to destination URL’s, default URLs, secondary URLs and even 404 URLs.

Blocking Undesirable Traffic:
This section covers what undesirable traffic it and the options you have on blocking sources if bad traffic.

System Settings:
Information on the different system settings and how to change them if needed.

Getting Help:
Informs you on the various ways you can get help and learn about My Click Boss Pro.

Additional resources that you may need when using My Click Boss Pro. This includes the GEO country list and country codes supported by the program.

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