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  5. How Pass Through Data Works

How Pass Through Data Works

All click trackers and rotators can be passed data using an HTML GET query string. The data passed can be used by the click tracker and rotator and/or passed through to the destination URL in a HTML GET query string.

Here is an example URL that contains a HTML GET query string.


Here is a breakdown of what the query string is passing to the click tracker.

This is the click tracker code that identifies the click tracker the URL points to.

The sub id abcd is being passed to the click tracker using the key sid.

This is an example of passing the source of the click to the click tracker. In this case the click came from fredsolos.

This is an example of passing the cost of a click to the click tracker.

This example passes a category to the click tracker. In this example mmo is being passed.

NOTE: The above are just examples. Only the a= and sid= are reserved keys that have specific use by click trackers and rotators. The other keys are user generated.

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