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Getting the Most Speed From Your Server

The majority of hosting plans available through most of the popular hosting companies are designed to serve websites. They are not designed or configured to run database programs.

Don’t panic and go looking for a new host if everything slows to a crawl. There are several things that can be done to speed things back up. If you have a good host that is willing to make changes to your server to make it run database programs faster.

So you have this super huge server with a big CPU and tons of RAM. But, it’s running slow, reporting errors and just not working well for your needs. It’s not the server resources. It’s usually the server is not configured to use the resources it has available. Here are some changes you can discuss with your host or server admin so you can actually get to use what you are paying for.

There are two major systems that can cause a server with plenty of horsepower to run extremely slowly if not configured for database programs.


PHP is the language that My Click Boss Pro is written in. PHP is usually configured to run small programs and not large ones like My Click Boss Pro.

If you are getting server 500 errors, stats pages timing out, etc. You most likely need to have changes made to the PHP settings on your server.

Here are the settings that can be changed to get PHP to run My Click Boss Pro better and faster.

memory_limit – Increase this setting to give My Click Boss Pro more memory to run with. Increasing this setting will help to eliminate PHP script out of memory and 500 server errors.

max_execution_time – Increasing this setting will help to eliminate timeout errors. My Click Boss Pro needs to be allowed enough time to actually make all database calls it needs as well as the time it needs to make any calculations.

upload_max_filesize – If you are having problems uploading bot database updates, this setting may need to be increased.


MySQL is the server that manages and handles reads, writes and deletes of database tables, records and indexes. Many hosting companies install mySQL using the default configuration it comes with. Take a deep breath before reading the next sentence. The default settings are way out of date and are basically designed to run on a desktop computer that is over 10 years old. You can’t run a medium or large database with these settings. All you will do is spike the servers CPU and it will take a considerable amount of time to process data requests.

Here are several changes to mySQL server configuration you can discuss with your hosting company or server admin. All these changes can drastically speed up the mySQL server on your server.

Innodb_buffer_pool_size – Set and/or increase this setting. This is the first setting you should change to speed up My Click Boss Pro. This buffer is where the database and its indexes are cached. This value should be set between 60% and 80% of your available RAM, depending on what other scripts and services are being ran on your server.

sort_buffer_size and/or read_rnd_buffer_size – Increasing these settings can increase the speed of the mySQL accesses that My Click Boss Pro makes.

max_heap_table_size and tmp_table_size – Increasing these settings could also help to speed things up.

query_cache_size and query_cache_type – Turning on the query cache can increase speed substantially. You will need to discuss this feature with your host or server admin to see if it is appropriate for your server.

When discussing changes to the mySQL server settings, make sure you explain to your host or server admin that you are running database heavy scripts and that you need queries to run as fast as possible.


Apache is a web server that serves web pages to browsers. It basically is the server that sends your web pages to a surfer when they are viewing your site.

Here are the recommended changes you can make to Apache to speed up My Click Boss Pro.

MaxRequestWorkers – This setting determines how many https connections can happen at the same time. If you go over this number, everything slows to a crawl. Most servers are set to allow 50 or fewer simultaneous connections.

If your server admin tells you that you are exceeding this settings, have it increased to 150 or even more if your system resources can handle the higher number of https connections.

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