To keep everything running fast, the first thing you need to do is manage your database properly. You need to keep it as small as possible. Database bloat is a major cause of stats pages, lists etc., to start loading slower and slower.
It takes a lot of database calls and calculations to generate a stats page or list that contains stats or counts. The more records in the database the script has to go through, the longer it takes.
If you don’t manage your database properly, you will find that you have to keep moving to a larger and more expensive server to keep things running fast. It’s a lot easier on the wallet and bank account to just manage your database properly and consistently.
You should be doing the following on a regular basis.
1. Delete all click trackers that are no longer having clicks sent through them.
2. Delete all click rotator links that have had all their clicks filled or you are no longer sending clicks to.
3. Delete all click rotators that are not being used.
4. Purge all old stats from the database.
If you need the click data from any click tracker, rotator link or rotator, export it before deleting it. Do not make the mistake of using My Click Boss Pro as a place to store old data. Doing that will only make things get slower and slower.
You can view the various data table sizes in the database by accessing the “Database Metrics” page. It can be accessed through the “Help” menu. The Database metrics page will display a list of all tables as well as the current number of records contained in each.
You can mass delete click trackers, rotator links and rotators by accessing the delete view option of the listing pages.
See the respective sections on listing active and archived click trackers, rotator links and rotators for details on mass deleting no longer needed trackers and links.
To purge old “blocked click” stats and “default URL sent clicks” stats, access the “Purge Old Stats” routine from the “Admin” menu.